Introduction – Facebook Album

NOTE:  Class hashtag:  #comm316


Intro & Blog Link Album:


1. Check your welcome email for a link to our facebook group.

2. Add a new Photo Album:  Click on Photos > + Create Album > Upload a recent photo of yourself (include short bio, Instagram username, cell phone # and what you hope to learn in Comm 316 Professional Imaging in the description of the photo where it says “Say something about this photo…”). Then rename the album with your first and last name.

3. Add Comments: Click on your classmates’ photos and add a comment on at least two.  If someone already has two comments, choose another classmate to comment on.

4. You will add a link to your new WordPress later this semester after the 2A Website Setup assignment.
5. Add (1) the best picture you have ever seen and write a comment about it and (2) the best photo you have ever taken and write a comment about it. 


Thank you and welcome to Professional Imaging. Let’s have a great semester learning together.